jennybean's Articles In Movies & TV & Books
October 18, 2005 by jennybean
I'm sorry, but Fox's Arrested Development has got to be the funniest show I have ever seen. I cannot understand how when I ask friends if they caught the last episode they have never even heard of the show. How can people not be watching this? The show in a nutshell is about a family on the brink of falling apart trying to get their father (who is being investigated for treason and embezzlement) out of prison. Their father owns a construction company and is being accused of making illegal deal...
November 14, 2005 by jennybean
I was told by my husband on Friday that our favorite show, Arrested Development, is getting the ax. I know it may sound pathetic to be so upset by the ending of a television program, but let me just tell you of all the shows on T.V. right now, this is the one that we "have" to see. We always make sure to leave Monday nights open for that 8:00 time slot. The shows ratings were never very high, and I think more than anything I am just frustrated that nobody seemed to be watching what I thought ...