Published on June 27, 2006 By jennybean In Diet
I have always known that I have a sensitive stomach. I have to be careful with food sometimes because I tend to get a lot a stomach aches and cramps fairly often. Sometimes everday. I also have a tendency to get nauseous (sp?) easily and sometimes often, and a lot of times it's right after eating. It was actually my husband who suggested this to me, but now I am starting to think that I may be developing lactose intolerance. I am really hoping it's not because I love dairy! In fact, until he brought this up to me I never really noticed how much dairy I do eat. But when I look at a typical lunch I bring to work, I do notice that I have at least 3 servings during the day, not including anything I have at home after work. I love yogurts, pudding, cheese, you name it. Yesterday in particular, I really noticed it. I had cereal with skim milk for breakfast, string cheese as a mid-day snack, and a cucumber and cheese sandwich for lunch. I even brought a yogurt on top of all that but decided against having it after developing stomach pain almost immediately after eating! I never knew how much I really was taking in. Oh, almost forgot to mention that lowfat frozen yogurt is one of our favorite after dinner treats as well!

Is anyone here lactose intolerant or have any tips of finding out if you are? I am wondering if it is normal for anyone to get an upset stomach after eating this much dairy. I think I might start making a food diary and testing to see when I feel sick after certain foods and see if there really is a correlation. This would explain why I do feel sick so often...........

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 29, 2006
Thanks, Jelvis. I do know they can test you for this, but it is hard for me to get to the Dr. since I work during the week, and I really dont want to put myself through all that if I dont have to. If I am lactose intolerant, I wouldn't want to drink something that is going to make me sick just to tell me I am. I would rather just monitor what I eat for a while and see what it is that triggers my stomach aches. If it gets complicated I may have to give in and get tested, but hopefully it wont be necessary I will have to look up those charts you mentioned. Thanks for the helpful tips!
on Jun 29, 2006
No problem! Good luck to you! I will keep my fingers crossed!
on Jun 29, 2006
Hehe. Thanks!
on Jul 08, 2006
TePKzG8EC61r DjXzdH2tTC7Eej 791DKDnDqn2
on Jul 08, 2006
I have IBS and dairy is definately out! You may want to be checked for IBS as it's far more common in women than men. So far no pills help at all.
on Dec 14, 2006
try goat's milk cheese too....sometimes the protiens are more easily digested by poeple with a lactose intoerance...or so I've heard
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